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EUHT-5G Technology was Applied in Metro Systems

Figure 1: The control center of Guangzhou metro. The picture was took by the journalist of Takungpao, Fang Junming

EUHT-5G technology has been applied in Guangzhou metro, it means the EUHT-5G technology which independently developed by China has overcome the key challenges of 5G. Furthermore, the application of EUHT technology promotes the development of the “smart metro”. The EUHT system of Guangzhou Metro Knowledge City branch was online and put into commercial use. It realized the whole carriage real-time monitoring of 30-channel HD video in single train for the first time in the world. The general manager of Nufront, Chen Fenghua said that Nufront plans to cooperate with Hong Kong metro. The tender is expected to be completed in the first half of next year and applied on the Disney line.


Real-time monitoring frighten malfeasance

By using of the EUHT-5G technology on Guangzhou metro, the real-time monitoring video can be transmitted directly to the metro control center and the police station. In the future, EUHT technology will not only enhance passengers' sense of security, but also provide convenient high-speed Internet services on metros.


Enjoy intelligent service in the metro station

Chen Fenghua introduced that in addition to the video monitoring, EUHT-5G technology also can be applied to the equipment’s monitoring and maintenance, and passengers services. At the same time, this technology also can be used to passenger flow control, train operation scheduling, and high-tech anti-terrorism. The application of EUHT-5G technology makes the operation of metros more intelligent.



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