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Guangzhou Metros realized real-time monitoring. Security level has been upgraded

Figure 1: Guangzhou Metro Line 14 Knowledge City branch realized the whole carriage real-time monitoring of 30-channel HD video for the first time in the world. The picture was took by the journalist of CHINANEWS, Fang Junming


CHINANEWS reported that Guangzhou Metro Line 9, Line 13, the south part of Line 4, and Line 14 Knowledge City branch were operated together. Line 14 Knowledge City branch realized the whole carriage real-time monitoring of 30-channel HD video for the first time in the world.


The journalist noticed that 24 HD cameras were installed in Line 14 metro, and 3HD cameras were installed in the driver’s cab. No matter in the peak time or off-peak time, the real-time monitoring video can be transmitted directly to the metro control center and the police station, which will realize the true real-time monitoring.

Figure 2: The control center of Line 14 Knowledge City branch


The journalist also noticed that this technology will also be applied in Guangzhou Metro Line 14 and Line 21, and may be fully popularized in Guangzhou Metro in the future. In addition, because of the feature of large capacity, this technology can provide high-speed and stable Internet services on metros and high-speed railways.



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